Let’s talk about this widely used phrase ……. “I have social anxiety”.
I’m sure you have heard folks use it, or you may have even said it yourself. But there is a difference. Social anxiety and being socially awkward are similar in that one has a fear of being judged or embarrassed in public. It can be a result of a mental health disorder, or it can be caused by other factors such as low self-esteem, a lack of confidence, or past traumas.
So first, let’s distinguish between social anxiety, and social awkwardness.
Social anxiety is an intense fear of embarrassment or criticism in social situations, or being judged by others. People with social anxiety may feel overwhelmed in certain social settings, including public speaking, meeting new people, or even talking on the phone. Social anxiety is a mental health issue that can affect anyone. The causes of social anxiety varies from person to person, but some common factors include a fear of the unknown, low self-esteem, shyness, perfectionism, traumatic experiences, and even genetics. Social anxiety can also be learned from experiences in childhood, such as being bullied or teased. It can also be caused by negative thoughts and beliefs about oneself and one’s ability to interact with others.

Social anxiety and being socially awkward are not the same thing.
Social anxiety and awkwardness are often confused for each other, so it is important to understand the difference between the two. Being socially awkward can be addressed with practical strategies, such as learning how to better manage one's emotions and developing better communication skills. It’s just a feeling or experience that one may have in a social situation, and is usually not interrupting their ability to have friends, go out in public, or have a good time with those you are comfortable with.
Social anxiety is a more serious mental health issue that requires professional help to address.
Social anxiety can lead to feelings of self-doubt and shyness, making it difficult to make and maintain relationships with others, forming relationships, maintaining friendships, and succeeding in school or work. It can also have a significant impact on an individual's mental health and wellbeing, leading to depression, isolation, and even suicidal thoughts. It is not something that should be ignored as it can have serious consequences on an individual's life if left untreated.
And yes, technology has the potential to both positively and negatively impact a person's interactions with others. While devices can help us stay connected to friends and family, they can also lead to feelings of isolation, loneliness, and low self-esteem. This is due to the fact that these tools can create a disconnect between people and their physical environment as well as their social connections.
Social anxiety and awkwardness can be difficult, but there are ways to build resilience and overcome these issues.
Assertiveness training can help you learn to express yourself clearly and confidently in social situations. It’s a powerful tool to help you learn to express yourself clearly and confidently in social situations. It can teach you how to stand up for yourself without being aggressive, and give you the skills to communicate effectively and build relationships with others. With assertiveness training, you will be able to better handle difficult conversations and speak your mind without feeling intimidated or belittled. It will help you to be more assertive when communicating with others and build self-confidence.
You can also practice conversations with others to become more comfortable engaging in dialogue. Practicing conversations with others is also a great way to improve your social skills. You can practice talking about different topics, responding to questions, and expressing your thoughts in an organized manner. This will help you feel more comfortable in conversations with new people or those who are unfamiliar to you.
Finally, building self-confidence through positive affirmations and positive thinking can help you feel more confident in social situations. You can learn how to recognize and embrace your strengths, which will help you feel more comfortable and confident in social situations. Embracing your strengths is an important key to feeling more comfortable and confident in social situations.
When you know what makes you unique, you can better understand why others are drawn to you - and the confidence that comes with it can be truly invaluable.